HITT Classes
Much to my own surprise, before the Coronovirus crisis I decided to participate in a HITT class at the gym Apparently with considerable effort but in a relatively short space of time you get an “after burn “ of calories. It is designed for the body conscious but time limited professional or ex professional.
Certainly, you need to be cash rich because you have to fork out for a heart monitor and a pair of boxing glove inners before you start thereby excluding anyone objecting to paying a top up to the gym membership.
The details of the class indicate that you should wear loose comfortable clothing but the nouveau rich women in York have clearly ignored this judging by the designer lycra on show. There is an absence of slightly podgy people and even some of the men appeared to be wearing full face foundation.
As one enters the room you are obliged to touch boxing glove inners with the instructor who refers to you as the team- to be faced with an aural onslaught of night club up tempo dance music.
You then go through a combination of running on a treadmill, pumping iron and hitting a heavy boxing bag with the miked up instructor shouting motivational phrases such as, “smash it”, “keep it going” or “pump it, pump it”.Its all very sweaty and macho reinforced by the screen of shame . You all gather round a very large screen at the end which tells you how hard you have been working; apparently I was working at 72% – of what?
Group exercise is a bit of an oxymoron – the only thing you share is your combined sweat on the exercise equipment.