When you say nothing at all
Let’s face it – most people have very little to say. In multiple encounters every day we talk to work colleagues, neighbours, friends and leave these transactions none the wiser. In fact the overall feeling after these encounters is a crushing boredom.
Who is interested in the achievements of other peoples progeny, their latest car, planned holidays, soft furnishings, scatter cushions, potential house extensions, discount offers at Marks and Spencer, celebrity break ups or worst of all the weather?
Most people are not interested in what you are saying they are simply waiting for you to shut up so they can tell you about themselves. Talk about an illness you may be suffering from- they have had it much worse and nearly died. . Talk about a problem at work – wait till they tell you about their boss. Mention an amusing incident that recently occurred in your life – you might get a small smile.
Dog owners are the worst.Their canine friends are substitute children and you will be exposed to the idiosyncrasies of their personalities, their illnesses and even the consistency of their shit.Don’t even mention vet bills.
It is widely accepted that homo sapiens are naturally pro social but for Gods sake surely we are more than small talk.